Saturday, May 15, 2010

AirTran ERJ's

Here are some more requests from


Airtran CRJ-1000 v 2.0

Here's an airtran CRJ-1000 with some modifications in the name as requested at

Airtran CRJ-1000

I would like to apologize for the long time that I had not posted here. It is because of personal matters beyond my control.

Ok, for now, here is my latest what if- AirTran CRJ-1000

BTW, please post comments!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Surprise- a What-if tutorial-PART 1

Step 1. 
a.Get a template. We will use a bombardier CRJ-900 for this. (In jetBlue livery, by the way). So, go to Then click Templates/Paint Schemes (The red box in Fig. 1)
    Fig. 1

b. This will send you to this screen (Fig. 2).

Since we will use a Bombardier CRJ-900, click on the "Bombardier/Canadier Templates" (Red box)

We will then choose the airplane variant. Since this is the "Bombardier/Canadier Templates" album, we will see templates for the CRJ-200, CRJ-700, CRJ-900 and CRJ-1000. If you dont know which is the right airplane, just put your mouse pointer on top of the thumbnail and a textbox with the name of the airplane.

When you click on the thumbnail, this will bring you on this screen (Screenshot on top). Click "Full Size" (the one inside the red box.

When you click on the "Full Size" button, this will result, now, copy this to your editing software (MS Paint, which will be used in this tutorial, Adobe Illustrator, etc.)

Stay tuned for the next Part!

Somethin' Cookin

Ok, let me make this clear. I won't serve food here. So those who are reading this due to the title, you are being requested to leave. Now.

Now, for those remaining, as you may have noticed, there are no what-if's today, but I got somethin' special for you. Check back here tommorrow at this same time and you'll see.

BTW, Seems like I'll be painting CRJ's next week. It has a lead in the polls, with 1 voting day remaining!
As of now, here are the totals
CRJ-3 votes
ERJ and 737NG-1vote
A32x-0 votes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

EasyJet A320 "My Style"

Before I post the scheme, I would like to apologize for the lack of post yesterday as my cousin asked me to put a lot 457 AI flights in his FSX software. (and I had to search how to do it as i use FS9, now I regret why I showed him my AI).

To the scheme!
"My Style"
Airbus A320-200
A easyJet scheme in which I removed the odd-looking rear part (White fuselage, then big change to orange) by adding an orange belly which curves up to the base of the tail.